I finally decided the time has come for Sophie to be potty trained. Well, actually I tried this a couple of months ago, right after her birthday and the Holidays, but we could never seem to get past the concept of using the potty. So this past week I try again. How difficult should this be? After all she is 3 years old (turned 3 in December), and is as smart as a whip (whoaaa...sorry about sounding like my 72 year old father there...smart as a whip...oh, goodness!).
So, I pull out the potty and discuss with Sophie using the potty if she feels "like pee pee is coming." She seems to grasp the concept, and after all, this shouldn't be all too foreign an idea to her since she always seems to join ME in the potty (privacy goes out the window once you become a mom!).
Hour 1: Nothing.
Hour 2: Zip.
Hour 3: Zilch
Hour 4: Nada.
Neil then decides to take the kiddos to the bookstore. Ah-ha! My golden opportunity! All of the kids are told to go potty before they leave (we even make Lindsay and Chris go into their bathrooms in order to demonstrate this to Sophie...Olivia we know MUST go before we get in the car to go anywhere!).
Sophie promptly runs into her bedroom and emerges with a DIAPER! She is telling me, "Mom, can you put a diaper on me?"
No.I.Won't. Sit on the potty and go pee-pee, Sophie. I see that my little, sweet, darling Princess is now showing me her big, fat attitude. Scary. And loud. And lots of tears and snot. Yes, snot.
And yes, I held firm to her going potty (remember, it had been HOURS since she had last gone) if she wanted to go to the bookstore. And yes, she held firm to her NOT going potty.
The battle has begun. I hope I am strong enough to take on 21 pounds of 'tude!
A Week Of Smiles:
Olivia got a new 'big girl booster seat'. She was so excited since her new seat is just like her friend, Aimee's, car seat! And she remembered from when we were in Shanghai visiting Aimee and her family that Aimee can BUCKLE HERSELF in her car seat - something Olivia couldn't do in her old booster seat.
She is so happy. So proud. And I must admit I am lovin' it too! Now I only have once kiddo to buckle into a car seat! Happy mommy!