Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Easter Photos...Finally

The kids woke up on Easter morning and began their annual quest to find their Easter Baskets, which for some reason are hidden by the Easter Bunny the night before (family 'Easter' tradition courtesy of Neil's family, who ironically are Jewish...clearly REFORMED! LOL).

Sophie found hers behind the chair...

Chris found his behind the tree...

Livie's was in the hallway...

Oh, wow...CANDY!!!

And toys!

For anyone who is concerned, Lindsay found her basket right away, and since the Easter bunny had let her an iTunes gift card, she disappeared to the computer almost instantaneously!
Then it was on to Church. The service was lovely, as it always is.
Lindsay and Livie dancing after Church.

Chris and Sophie

Lindsay's BFF, Sierra, spending some time with Livie.

Sierra and Lindsay
Matthew 28:6 - He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.

1 comment:

Candy said...

I see Lindsay is now a blonde.

Good looking family you have.