I received the following email yesterday, and while we now know who our 44th President will be, I feel it very elequently states how we all should feel as Americans. Neil watched President-Elect Obama's Acceptance speech (I had gone to bed), and told me that he was impressed. So I will move forward and support our next Commander-In-Chief.
Great Day Addendum - The Election
by J. Martin Stubblefield
"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover–up for evil; live as servants of God.Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king." - 1 Peter 2:13-17 NIV
Well... it is finally upon us... Less than 24 hours to election Tuesday in the U.S... And soon we will know who our President will be for the next 4 years...
More than likely, you already know who you will be voting for... who you will support... And so do I.
And after Tuesday, one Party will be exceedingly happy... while the other will not be... That's just the way it works in American politics... in a free nation...
That being said, come Wednesday, when the election is over... and the world around us goes back to its normal day to day activities... and the newly elected President begins to prepare for his inauguration... and tries to find a way... a plan... to put into place ALL of his campaign promises... One thing is for sure...
God will still be God... win or lose... whoever the President will be... God will still be God... still in control... still omnipresent and still omniscient... still all knowing... still creator... still king.... still God
And no matter who becomes President, we will still need to submit to the authority of government... still need to pray for him and the rest of our leaders... whether we like them or not... whether we like their plans or not... and still need to pray for our nation...
And we will need... and should want to pray for the hearts and lives of our leaders... that if they do not know Jesus that they will submit their lives to Him... That He will break their hearts... that He will grab hold of their hearts and minds... and not let go... And that He will protect us from the best laid plans of man... and the snares of the enemy... And that somehow we will reclaim our faith... and that we will see a Great Revival in our nation... in our world...
There is power in prayer... in the prayers of righteous men... God is still good... All the time
Keep the Faith... Carpe Diem
Mary, we are all Americans and all in this together, regardless of who won. McCain's speech was impressive, as was Obama's, and they both vowed to work together. And that is what makes the UNITED States so great: that despite all our differences, different races, religions, genders, age,beliefs, disabilities, preferences, or whatever...that we all can still come together and work together for a common goal. For a free and proud country that is for the people and by the people, and more importantly, for the future of our children.
Huge hugs.
Great Post. Thanks for it! We live in a great country and we should all respect each other and our opinions. WOnderful!
Amen and amen! I found your blog through Kathlene, with whom you just traveled. She and I are both on the ZKO board (zhanjiangkids.org). We hope to someday soon do a homeland trip like you did! I read yours, and a few tears slid when reading about your daughter's FM meeting. Our second daughter has a FM we can't wait to find! We have some precious pictures and have exchanged letters once (we think some got lost).
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